So much complete crap is written today about dieting. All preying on the poor lost vulnerable souls who don't possess the mental energy required to do even just a tiny amount of personal research.
I think that if you tried to make a list of all the diets out there each trying to grab the last dollar out of your wallet or purse it would take you at least a full day of writing. And you know what?.....
It's all about power. What? Yep, power. There are some people in the world who really get off on telling other people how to live their lives. Don't believe me?
OK. Consider this. If all of these so called diet gurus were each giving you the absolute correct way to eat for the optimum health of your or anybody else's body then wouldn't they all have pretty much the same info.? In fact they could all save themselves a whole heap of time and money and just all sell and promote the exact same book!
Well, surprise, surprise, they all seem to have totally different information - some of it so weird it must be for the use of Martians or Neptunian's! (if there are any).
One guru pulls you one way - another pulls you his way - I'm right, buy my book - No, me, I'm right, better buy my book. Just let me get off on getting your money and telling you how to live your life - by MY rules.
It's the same old system. Politicians do it too (for a good chuckle check out how many new laws are passed each week - you'll be astonished!). Religious leaders love to do it. Climate change loonies are in for their bit of control and power as well.
Here's a bit of really refreshing information for you.
Listening?.. whoops, sorry, reading?
Ever heard of a wonderful thing called "due diligence". Due diligence is a term usually associated with investing or funds management where basically you check thoroughly the truth of what is being sold to you. You check all sources. It means a very complete and thorough check by the person investing, of the people, companies or schemes he/she may be placing their hard earned with.
But you and me can use due diligence with anything in life we are confronted with......
Such as.........
It's commonsense bodybuilding at it's best.
More next time.
Alternate Barbell Press.
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 10 reps (10)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 9 reps (9)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 8 reps (8)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 7 reps (7)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 6 reps (6)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 5 reps (5)
47.5 kg (104.7 lb) x 2 reps (4)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 12 reps (16)
Leg Curls.
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 20 reps (20) *
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 20 reps (20) *
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 16 reps (20)
"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence." - Abigail Adams
Next time - back.
Bodybuilding, strength training, weightlifting, muscular development, exercise tips, best workouts, healthy diet tips, physical and personal development. Working out for the everyman and the everywoman.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Totally weird stuff.
Found some completely, totally weird stuff today. Some freaks have been using a product called Synthol to make their muscles grow to disproportionate sizes. Seems the biceps and triceps are a particular target.
Take a look at this YouTube
I guess it's another proof that some people just do not own mirrors.
They look totally ridiculous!!!! Seems the joke is all on them. Apparently the results of using Synthol are permanent. Can you imagine them at 70 or 80 years of age with huge funny floppy arms!
If you can't do it straight up naturally then it's time to not bother at all.
Be proud of yourself as you are. Be proud of your efforts no matter what level you are currently at by working out and eating naturally. There is no need to subject yourself to this type of horrendous stupidity.
Chest Workout 0007.
Bench Press.
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 10 reps (10)
45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 9 reps (9)
50.0 kg (110.2 lb) x 8 reps (8)
55.0 kg (121.3 lb) x 7 reps (7)
60.0 kg (132.3 lb) x 6 reps (6)
65.0 kg (143.3 lb) x 5 reps (5)
70.0 kg (154.3 lb) x 2 reps (4)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 13 reps (16)
Leg Extensions.
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 20 reps (20) *
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 21 reps (20) *
Next time - shoulders - yeah! real shoulders - damn proud to say - all mine by me. It's commonsense bodybuilding.
Take a look at this YouTube
I guess it's another proof that some people just do not own mirrors.
They look totally ridiculous!!!! Seems the joke is all on them. Apparently the results of using Synthol are permanent. Can you imagine them at 70 or 80 years of age with huge funny floppy arms!
If you can't do it straight up naturally then it's time to not bother at all.
Be proud of yourself as you are. Be proud of your efforts no matter what level you are currently at by working out and eating naturally. There is no need to subject yourself to this type of horrendous stupidity.
Chest Workout 0007.
Bench Press.
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 10 reps (10)
45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 9 reps (9)
50.0 kg (110.2 lb) x 8 reps (8)
55.0 kg (121.3 lb) x 7 reps (7)
60.0 kg (132.3 lb) x 6 reps (6)
65.0 kg (143.3 lb) x 5 reps (5)
70.0 kg (154.3 lb) x 2 reps (4)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 13 reps (16)
Leg Extensions.
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 20 reps (20) *
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 21 reps (20) *
Next time - shoulders - yeah! real shoulders - damn proud to say - all mine by me. It's commonsense bodybuilding.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Commonsense Bodybuilding Biceps Workout 0007
I have always believed it to be important to perform all my repetitions in very strict form. That is, complete and full reps with almost no cheating. When I can't perform that last rep to strict form I know that that is where I'm up to.
I know a lot of people may advocate partial reps or cheating methods but I guess I'm just old fashioned. To me, a rep performed in strict style is the indicator to me of my strength levels. Working out this way also helps to limit annoying injuries.
For example, with biceps curls, you may be tempted to arch your back to help crank out that last rep. This puts enormous strain on your back that could lead to injuries later on. To me, it's just not worth it and a bit like living a lie - if you couldn't do it properly then you really couldn't do it after all. That's commonsense bodybuilding.
Adjustable Bar Curls.
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 10 reps (10)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 9 reps (9)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 8 reps (8)
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 7 reps (7)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 6 reps (6)
35.0 kg (77.2 lb) x 5 reps (5)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 1 rep (4)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 13 reps (16)
35.0 kg (77.2 lb) x 12 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 13 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 11 reps (16)
"The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph." - Swami Sivananda
I know a lot of people may advocate partial reps or cheating methods but I guess I'm just old fashioned. To me, a rep performed in strict style is the indicator to me of my strength levels. Working out this way also helps to limit annoying injuries.
For example, with biceps curls, you may be tempted to arch your back to help crank out that last rep. This puts enormous strain on your back that could lead to injuries later on. To me, it's just not worth it and a bit like living a lie - if you couldn't do it properly then you really couldn't do it after all. That's commonsense bodybuilding.
Adjustable Bar Curls.
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 10 reps (10)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 9 reps (9)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 8 reps (8)
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 7 reps (7)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 6 reps (6)
35.0 kg (77.2 lb) x 5 reps (5)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 1 rep (4)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 13 reps (16)
35.0 kg (77.2 lb) x 12 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 13 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 11 reps (16)
"The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph." - Swami Sivananda
Friday, December 12, 2008
Triceps Workout 0007
In my last article I talked about how to approach the difficulties of keeping your workouts on schedule over the holiday break at christmas. I told you how for me it's not too much of a problem as our family goes camping and that presents it's own physical challenges and the length of our trip is only a few days.
Not long enough to cause any fitness loss. But what if your holiday is for longer - say a week or more.
Today I'll let Tom Venuto share with you how he tackles that problem.
My Holiday Fitness Challenge to You

By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Burn The Fat
Media reports say that most people gain between 5 and 10 pounds of body fat in the six weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. According to research from the New England Journal of Medicine, the average amount is much more modest - just over a pound. However, even modest holiday weight gain may be cause for concern: A study by the National Institutes of Health found that this seasonal weight gain - even just a pound - is usually not lost after the holidays; it simply adds to the “weight creep” that sneaks up on us as we get older.
Whether the weight gain is a pound or ten pounds, did you ever ask yourself why does holiday weight gain happen at all?
Here are some common answers I’ve heard:
“I’m too busy over the holidays to work out as often as usual.”
“I’m more stressed over the holidays, and the food is there, so I eat more.”
“I have at least three parties to attend and then there’s Christmas and New Year’s, so it’s impossible to stay on a diet.”
“No one can tell me not to enjoy myself over the holidays, so I’m just going to eat whatever I want.”
These answers all have a few things in common.
First, they assume that it’s an either/or proposition: You can either get in better shape or enjoy yourself, but not both. Stated in reverse: You can either deprive yourself of holiday enjoyments or gain weight, but it has to be one or the other. The truth is, “either/or thinking” is a very limiting form of thought.
Second, these are all excuses or rationalizations. “I’m too busy” for example, is always an excuse, because I have never known someone who was too busy to make time for his or her highest life priorities. The problem then, is not lack of time, but that most people do not make exercise or eating healthy a priority. We all have the same amount of time - 24 hours a day - but the way people prioritize the use of time is the difference between success and mediocrity. And remember, words mean little. Actions reveal a person’s true priorities.
Third, none of these are the real reasons most people gain weight over the holidays to begin with. The real reason is because an intention was never set for the opposite: To get in BETTER shape over the holidays.
Most people set a “goal” to get in worse shape over the holidays!
It’s not consciously set, of course, as few people would intentionally set out to gain fat. They simply do it by default. In their minds, they accept that it must be just about impossible to stay in shape with everything going on over the holiday season, so why bother?
Once the decision has been made, then the rationalizing (“rationing lies”) continues:
“Why should I deprive myself?”
“Family is more important”
“Worrying about diet and exercise during the holidays is neurotic”
“I don’t care if I gain a few pounds, I’m going to enjoy myself anyway”
“It’s only these two or three weeks that I let myself go wild”
“I’ll start the first week in January and lose the weight then.”
As a result of this “negative goal-setting,” they expect to work out less, eat more and gain a few pounds, and they don’t seem to even consider alternatives.
But what would happen if you set an intention and a goal to get in better shape between now and New Years’s Day?
What would happen if you decided that it was not an all or nothing proposition and that you could enjoy the holidays and all it has to offer and get in better shape at the same time?
And what if you decided that your health and your body were the highest priorities in your life, because you realized that can’t enjoy anything else in life, including family or holidays, if you don’t have your health?
Here’s what would happen: You would get in better shape!
I’m not all that different from you just because I’m a bodybuilder and a fitness professional. I have many of the same problems, concerns and struggles as you do. Although today I always get in better shape between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, that’s a result of a conscious choice, a close examination of my old belief systems and a lot of action. For me, it all started about six years ago.
For most of my adult life, I wasn’t much of a traveller and I didn’t enjoy flying or staying in hotels. I had a belief that if I traveled, my workouts and nutrition would suffer. After all, “it would be hard to stick with my usual bodybuilding diet, and I wouldn’t have access to my usual gyms.” Because of these reasons (excuses), I never did much travel back in those days.
Then I was forced to take some trips for business reasons. Predictably enough, my nutrition and workouts suffered while I was spending time in airplanes and in hotels. With my experience having confirmed my beliefs, I re-affirmed to myself, “See, traveling is nothing but a pain. You just can’t stay on a diet and training program when you’re out of town.”
After several more trips, I noticed that something very negative happened: I surrendered. I had resigned myself to “not bother” while I was on the road. I let my expectations create my reality.
But I didn’t let it go on for long. As soon as I became aware of what was happening, I decided that I wouldn’t tolerate it, so I challenged myself and my previous limiting beliefs. I asked myself, “Why the heck not? Why let myself backslide? Why even settle for maintaining? Why not challenge myself to improve while I’m traveling?” The answer:
There was no reason, there were only excuses.
From that day forward, I set a challenge for myself: To come back from every trip or vacation in better shape than when I left. Of course there were exceptions, as when I went on a vacation for total R & R. But I never let travel get in my way again…
I prepared food that I would eat on the planes so airline food was never an excuse…
I only chose hotels that had kitchens, so I could cook my own food…
I went food shopping immediately after check-in…
And I actually found myself training harder than usual!
No matter where I was training - it could even be some “dungeon” of a gym in the middle of nowhere - it didn’t matter because my mind was focused on improving and looking better when I came home than when I left. I had a goal!
What do you think happened? It’s not hard to guess: I always came home in better shape than when I left.
Since then, my “travel challenge” has become somewhat of a ritual in my life. When I’m away from my “home-base” it becomes a “fitness road trip.” I search the Internet or yellow pages or ask locals to help me find the most hard-core gym nearby wherever I will be staying. When I get there, I train every bit as hard as if I had a competition just weeks away. I look forward to it now.
In fact, this experience is what led me to my “holiday fitness challenge.”
Like many people, I travel over the holidays, so I’m automatically in “travel challenge” mode at thanksgiving, Christmastime and New Year’s. But with the additional temptations and busyness that the holidays bring on top of the usual travel stresses, I saw fit to declare a new challenge: “The Holiday Challenge.” The difference was that for my “holiday challenge,” I pledged to not only to return home in better shape than when I left, but to enjoy the holidays to the fullest at the same time.
People who think I “deprive” myself to look the way I do would be shocked: I eat some damn good food over the holidays including Pie at Thanksgiving and my mom’s famous red and green Jell-0 Christmas cake. Then on New Year’s I’m usually toasting champagne and having a blast with friends or family. The difference is, every other meal stays right on schedule and I work out hard and consistently over the holidays; I don’t let everything fall apart just because ‘tis the season.’ In fact, I work out HARDER over the holidays!
The idea that you can either enjoy the holidays or stay in shape - but not both - is damaging and limiting. It hurts your social life, your emotional life and your physical life. Life is not an either or proposition; it’s a matter of balance. Success does not mean going to extremes. Success can be a simple matter of re-examining your beliefs, rearranging your priorities, setting goals, changing the questions you ask yourself, re-evaluating your expectations and acting in accordance with all of the above.
Your expectations will become your reality.
What are you expecting this holiday season? Are you expecting to be in better shape after holiday parties, celebrations, banquets, dinners, and desserts? If not, then why not? What’s preventing you from enjoying all of the above and still getting in better shape? Do you have a limiting belief which dictates that it’s one or the other? Could it be that you never set a goal, intention or expectation to do it? Could it be that you’re rationalizing or making excuses? If so, then I challenge you to change it this year.
There’s less than a month until the end of the year. Why not see how much you can improve your physique over the holidays, without depriving yourself of any holiday enjoyments or festivities? Just step up your expectations. Step up your standards. Step up your nutrition. Step up your training. Step up your action. Step up to the “holiday fitness challenge” the minute you finish reading this, and then just see what happens!
Eat right, train hard, and expect success,
Fat Loss Coach
The Classic Best-Selling e-book
Discover the fat burning secrets of fitness models and bodybuilders and be 8-10 lbs LEANER by New Year’s. Visit:
Burn The Fat
Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified personal trainer and freelance fitness writer. Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting: Burn The Fat
Here's today's workout:
Adjustable Bar Triceps Extension.
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 10 reps (10)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 9 reps (9)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 8 reps (8)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 7 reps (7)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 6 reps (6)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 3 reps (5)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 1 rep (4)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 8 reps (16)
Leg Curls.
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 16 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 18 reps (20)
17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 20 reps (20) *
Next time - biceps.
Not long enough to cause any fitness loss. But what if your holiday is for longer - say a week or more.
Today I'll let Tom Venuto share with you how he tackles that problem.
My Holiday Fitness Challenge to You

By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Burn The Fat
Media reports say that most people gain between 5 and 10 pounds of body fat in the six weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. According to research from the New England Journal of Medicine, the average amount is much more modest - just over a pound. However, even modest holiday weight gain may be cause for concern: A study by the National Institutes of Health found that this seasonal weight gain - even just a pound - is usually not lost after the holidays; it simply adds to the “weight creep” that sneaks up on us as we get older.
Whether the weight gain is a pound or ten pounds, did you ever ask yourself why does holiday weight gain happen at all?
Here are some common answers I’ve heard:
“I’m too busy over the holidays to work out as often as usual.”
“I’m more stressed over the holidays, and the food is there, so I eat more.”
“I have at least three parties to attend and then there’s Christmas and New Year’s, so it’s impossible to stay on a diet.”
“No one can tell me not to enjoy myself over the holidays, so I’m just going to eat whatever I want.”
These answers all have a few things in common.
First, they assume that it’s an either/or proposition: You can either get in better shape or enjoy yourself, but not both. Stated in reverse: You can either deprive yourself of holiday enjoyments or gain weight, but it has to be one or the other. The truth is, “either/or thinking” is a very limiting form of thought.
Second, these are all excuses or rationalizations. “I’m too busy” for example, is always an excuse, because I have never known someone who was too busy to make time for his or her highest life priorities. The problem then, is not lack of time, but that most people do not make exercise or eating healthy a priority. We all have the same amount of time - 24 hours a day - but the way people prioritize the use of time is the difference between success and mediocrity. And remember, words mean little. Actions reveal a person’s true priorities.
Third, none of these are the real reasons most people gain weight over the holidays to begin with. The real reason is because an intention was never set for the opposite: To get in BETTER shape over the holidays.
Most people set a “goal” to get in worse shape over the holidays!
It’s not consciously set, of course, as few people would intentionally set out to gain fat. They simply do it by default. In their minds, they accept that it must be just about impossible to stay in shape with everything going on over the holiday season, so why bother?
Once the decision has been made, then the rationalizing (“rationing lies”) continues:
“Why should I deprive myself?”
“Family is more important”
“Worrying about diet and exercise during the holidays is neurotic”
“I don’t care if I gain a few pounds, I’m going to enjoy myself anyway”
“It’s only these two or three weeks that I let myself go wild”
“I’ll start the first week in January and lose the weight then.”
As a result of this “negative goal-setting,” they expect to work out less, eat more and gain a few pounds, and they don’t seem to even consider alternatives.
But what would happen if you set an intention and a goal to get in better shape between now and New Years’s Day?
What would happen if you decided that it was not an all or nothing proposition and that you could enjoy the holidays and all it has to offer and get in better shape at the same time?
And what if you decided that your health and your body were the highest priorities in your life, because you realized that can’t enjoy anything else in life, including family or holidays, if you don’t have your health?
Here’s what would happen: You would get in better shape!
I’m not all that different from you just because I’m a bodybuilder and a fitness professional. I have many of the same problems, concerns and struggles as you do. Although today I always get in better shape between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, that’s a result of a conscious choice, a close examination of my old belief systems and a lot of action. For me, it all started about six years ago.
For most of my adult life, I wasn’t much of a traveller and I didn’t enjoy flying or staying in hotels. I had a belief that if I traveled, my workouts and nutrition would suffer. After all, “it would be hard to stick with my usual bodybuilding diet, and I wouldn’t have access to my usual gyms.” Because of these reasons (excuses), I never did much travel back in those days.
Then I was forced to take some trips for business reasons. Predictably enough, my nutrition and workouts suffered while I was spending time in airplanes and in hotels. With my experience having confirmed my beliefs, I re-affirmed to myself, “See, traveling is nothing but a pain. You just can’t stay on a diet and training program when you’re out of town.”
After several more trips, I noticed that something very negative happened: I surrendered. I had resigned myself to “not bother” while I was on the road. I let my expectations create my reality.
But I didn’t let it go on for long. As soon as I became aware of what was happening, I decided that I wouldn’t tolerate it, so I challenged myself and my previous limiting beliefs. I asked myself, “Why the heck not? Why let myself backslide? Why even settle for maintaining? Why not challenge myself to improve while I’m traveling?” The answer:
There was no reason, there were only excuses.
From that day forward, I set a challenge for myself: To come back from every trip or vacation in better shape than when I left. Of course there were exceptions, as when I went on a vacation for total R & R. But I never let travel get in my way again…
I prepared food that I would eat on the planes so airline food was never an excuse…
I only chose hotels that had kitchens, so I could cook my own food…
I went food shopping immediately after check-in…
And I actually found myself training harder than usual!
No matter where I was training - it could even be some “dungeon” of a gym in the middle of nowhere - it didn’t matter because my mind was focused on improving and looking better when I came home than when I left. I had a goal!
What do you think happened? It’s not hard to guess: I always came home in better shape than when I left.
Since then, my “travel challenge” has become somewhat of a ritual in my life. When I’m away from my “home-base” it becomes a “fitness road trip.” I search the Internet or yellow pages or ask locals to help me find the most hard-core gym nearby wherever I will be staying. When I get there, I train every bit as hard as if I had a competition just weeks away. I look forward to it now.
In fact, this experience is what led me to my “holiday fitness challenge.”
Like many people, I travel over the holidays, so I’m automatically in “travel challenge” mode at thanksgiving, Christmastime and New Year’s. But with the additional temptations and busyness that the holidays bring on top of the usual travel stresses, I saw fit to declare a new challenge: “The Holiday Challenge.” The difference was that for my “holiday challenge,” I pledged to not only to return home in better shape than when I left, but to enjoy the holidays to the fullest at the same time.
People who think I “deprive” myself to look the way I do would be shocked: I eat some damn good food over the holidays including Pie at Thanksgiving and my mom’s famous red and green Jell-0 Christmas cake. Then on New Year’s I’m usually toasting champagne and having a blast with friends or family. The difference is, every other meal stays right on schedule and I work out hard and consistently over the holidays; I don’t let everything fall apart just because ‘tis the season.’ In fact, I work out HARDER over the holidays!
The idea that you can either enjoy the holidays or stay in shape - but not both - is damaging and limiting. It hurts your social life, your emotional life and your physical life. Life is not an either or proposition; it’s a matter of balance. Success does not mean going to extremes. Success can be a simple matter of re-examining your beliefs, rearranging your priorities, setting goals, changing the questions you ask yourself, re-evaluating your expectations and acting in accordance with all of the above.
Your expectations will become your reality.
What are you expecting this holiday season? Are you expecting to be in better shape after holiday parties, celebrations, banquets, dinners, and desserts? If not, then why not? What’s preventing you from enjoying all of the above and still getting in better shape? Do you have a limiting belief which dictates that it’s one or the other? Could it be that you never set a goal, intention or expectation to do it? Could it be that you’re rationalizing or making excuses? If so, then I challenge you to change it this year.
There’s less than a month until the end of the year. Why not see how much you can improve your physique over the holidays, without depriving yourself of any holiday enjoyments or festivities? Just step up your expectations. Step up your standards. Step up your nutrition. Step up your training. Step up your action. Step up to the “holiday fitness challenge” the minute you finish reading this, and then just see what happens!
Eat right, train hard, and expect success,
Fat Loss Coach
The Classic Best-Selling e-book
Discover the fat burning secrets of fitness models and bodybuilders and be 8-10 lbs LEANER by New Year’s. Visit:
Burn The Fat
Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified personal trainer and freelance fitness writer. Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting: Burn The Fat
Here's today's workout:
Adjustable Bar Triceps Extension.
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 10 reps (10)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 9 reps (9)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 8 reps (8)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 7 reps (7)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 6 reps (6)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 3 reps (5)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 1 rep (4)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 8 reps (16)
Leg Curls.
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 16 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 18 reps (20)
17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 20 reps (20) *
Next time - biceps.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Back Workout 0007
Christmas holiday time is fast approaching. Most businesses, in Australia at least, will close for a break of a couple of weeks. Lots of people take this opportunity to take a vacation somewhere. You've worked hard all year in the gym, or, if you're like me, in your home gym. Going on a vacation will mean a break from your usual workout schedule. What to do?
A break from training for a week should make no difference whatsoever. I've just had a break from my training for a week and returned today - totally blasted through my workout and will increase all my weights next time! Usually you will find that a break for a week will actually be of benefit - a good muscular rest and important healing time.
A one to two week break will be only slightly different in that you may do your return workout but perhaps not increase any weights or reps. Any longer than two weeks and you will most likely drop a few reps on the weights you were using.
We will be going camping for a few days. I will find myself gathering and chopping firewood, putting up tents, exploring etc. so my day to day activities will actually increase even though I must confess that I will make sure I do a fair bit of relaxing with suitable beverages, oh yeah, OK, got me, lots of food too.
So, the point is, don't worry too much about missing workouts. Just enjoy the break. Go for some walks, go fishing, play some sports, go camping like we will be - all these are great activities and your body will respond well to the change of pace.
T Bar Row.
52.5 kg (115.7 lb) x 10 reps (10)
57.5 kg (126.8 lb) x 9 reps (9)
62.5 kg (137.8 lb) x 8 reps (8)
67.5 kg (148.8 lb) x 7 reps (7)
72.5 kg (159.8 lb) x 6 reps (6) *
77.5 kg (170.9 lb) x 5 reps (5) *
82.5 kg (181.9 lb) x 4 reps (4) *
52.5 kg (115.7 lb) x 16 reps (16) *
Leg Extensions.
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 16 reps (20)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 19 reps (20)
"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living." - Amanda Bradley
Next time - triceps.
A break from training for a week should make no difference whatsoever. I've just had a break from my training for a week and returned today - totally blasted through my workout and will increase all my weights next time! Usually you will find that a break for a week will actually be of benefit - a good muscular rest and important healing time.
A one to two week break will be only slightly different in that you may do your return workout but perhaps not increase any weights or reps. Any longer than two weeks and you will most likely drop a few reps on the weights you were using.
We will be going camping for a few days. I will find myself gathering and chopping firewood, putting up tents, exploring etc. so my day to day activities will actually increase even though I must confess that I will make sure I do a fair bit of relaxing with suitable beverages, oh yeah, OK, got me, lots of food too.
So, the point is, don't worry too much about missing workouts. Just enjoy the break. Go for some walks, go fishing, play some sports, go camping like we will be - all these are great activities and your body will respond well to the change of pace.
T Bar Row.
52.5 kg (115.7 lb) x 10 reps (10)
57.5 kg (126.8 lb) x 9 reps (9)
62.5 kg (137.8 lb) x 8 reps (8)
67.5 kg (148.8 lb) x 7 reps (7)
72.5 kg (159.8 lb) x 6 reps (6) *
77.5 kg (170.9 lb) x 5 reps (5) *
82.5 kg (181.9 lb) x 4 reps (4) *
52.5 kg (115.7 lb) x 16 reps (16) *
Leg Extensions.
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 16 reps (20)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 19 reps (20)
"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living." - Amanda Bradley
Next time - triceps.
back workout,
taking a break from training
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Shoulders Workout 0006
Bodybuilding, like all forms of sport or fitness training is very much a mind game. It's about visualization, motivation and goal setting. If you have little control over your thoughts and emotions then this is not a game for you.
The old mindset of the dumb, muscle bound hulk has always been a great untruth perpetuated for far too long by people who were sadly afraid to go where we go.
Bodybuilding is a "mind sport". You have to "huff and puff" with your mind before you can "huff and puff" with the weights! You have to see the results in your head long before you get to see those results in the mirror.
I have found a great article by Mike Geary, author of "The Truth About Six Pack Abs".
Mike expertly explains what I mean.
The Ultimate Secret of Mind Control and Motivation to Achieve the Exact Body Shape You Want
by Mike Geary - Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
I ask you to have an open mind and accept some ideas I'm going to throw at you today. If you can take full grasp of these ideas, take my word that this will be the most powerful secret you've ever discovered for attaining the exact body that you desire.
I'm basically going to take the concepts from the hit movie "The Secret" and show you how to apply it towards your fitness goals.
Keep in mind that this "ultimate secret" has nothing to do with our normal discussions of reps and sets. It has nothing to do with calories or fat or protein. It has nothing to do with cardio training or abs exercises. But once you discover the "Secret", you will be on your way to the body of your dreams, or any other goals that you have in your life, for that matter.
Elite athletes have practiced the "Secret". Champion bodybuilders have practiced the "Secret". Virtually all of the most influential, powerful, wealthiest, and happiest people throughout history have either knowingly or not, practiced the "Secret". Some didn't even realize that they knew the "Secret", but applying its power is the sole reason for their success. In today's discussion, I'm simply putting a little twist on this "Secret" and applying it to your fitness goals. But in reality, it works for any of your goals and desires in life.
Before I reveal the "Secret", I want to ask you a few questions today and I want you to answer the questions that are appropriate to your goals. I want you to be honest with yourself. If you discover that you have not accomplished your goals related to these questions, pay close attention, because I'm going to reveal to you how you can change this immediately and be on the path to achieving whatever it is that you want in life.
Do you currently have the body that you want?
Do you feel full of energy every single day?
Do you feel strong, confident, and proud of your body?
Do you feel that you have no physical limitation to be able to do whatever you want to do in life?
Do you want to be thinner?
Do you want more muscle?
Do you want sexy flat abs or a tighter butt?
The answers to these questions will be vastly different for everyone. Not everyone wants the same things. Not everyone has the same goals.
But the most important thing to realize, is that ANY of your goals can be achieved, no matter who you are, if you understand and APPLY the "Secret". Alright, enough of the build-up. What exactly is the "Secret"? Drum roll please.....
The "Secret" lies within your mind and revolves around the powerful Law of Attraction. What you focus on becomes your reality. To put this another way, "What you resist, persists. Whatever you are feeling and thinking is a perfect reflection of what you will become".
In other words, if all you ever focus on is how frustrated you are that you can never lose weight or get rid of that belly fat, then you are doomed to a flabby body forever, because you are actually creating that reality. On the other hand, if you focus on your successes with every ounce of your being, every single day, and continually feel in your mind what your dream body is going to be like, you will create that reality. The key point is that your thoughts and feelings must revolve around already having the body that you want. You must actually imagine daily that you are already living in your new body.
If you're closed-minded, at this point in reading this article, you will probably say something like, "what is all of this gobbly-gook crap this idiot is talking about". And then you will click away to another site, go back to your daily life, and continue to be frustrated by failing to achieve the body you want for the rest of your life.
On the other hand, if you're open minded, and truly want to succeed, you will continue to read, absorb, and start to apply the "Secret", and watch your body slowly become exactly what you want it to become.
I've discovered the "Secret" a couple years ago and how to apply this towards my other goals in life aside from fitness.
However, I also realized that the reason I've been successful with my fitness goals is that I've been unknowingly applying the "Secret" towards my fitness goals for many, many years now. I have always visualized exactly how I wanted my body to look, how energized I wanted to feel day in and day out, how strong and confident I wanted to feel. These visualizations led me on a constant mission to take massive daily ACTION towards exactly what I wanted.
So how do you get the exact body you want? Well, the first thing I want you to realize is that how you feel today and the body that you see in the mirror today is actually a combined result of how you have lived your life in the past... the habits, thoughts, and actions that you have taken throughout every single day that has preceded today. If your past has not given you the body you want today, the energy you want, the powerful feeling of health that you want, then you need to change your mindset and start taking immediate and massive action towards exactly what you want.
You need to visualize yourself living in that desired lean, strong body... feel the energy, vitality, and strength running through every inch of you. Imagine the confidence you feel. If you want it bad enough, you WILL achieve it, but it takes a BURNING DESIRE to succeed.
You need to keep running through this imagining process, and actually capture this "feeling" every single day, until the day comes that you realize that you have achieved your goals. If you practice this enough, you will attract into your life exactly what you want. Again, if all you focus on is your failures, and continue to think negatively, you will only attract more failures and negativity into your life.
Amazing things and amazing people have been coming into my life ever since I discovered the "Secret". If you have an open mind and focus your entire being on what you want, it WILL come into your life. It starts with the mindset, and your journey towards your goals continues from there with massive action taken on a daily basis toward your goals. Once you get this process right, you CAN'T fail.
I will leave you with one more powerful quote that has totally transformed the way I think about what I can achieve in life:
"Whether you THINK that you can or can't do something, either way, you are right".
Read that one again, and believe it! It is a powerful shift in mindset that will change your life.
I want you to do me a favor and read this entire article over again and really start thinking about how you can apply it towards your goals. They don't even have to be fitness goals. It can really be anything that you want to achieve.
Once you've got your mind in the right place, you are now ready to take massive action towards your goals starting now! Getting back to your fitness goals... If your goals revolve at all around losing body fat, tightening up your entire body, and creating an energy filled lifestyle, then a great place to get all of the information you need to achieve this and start taking action is in my Truth about Six Pack Abs book.
By the way, this book does not simply revolve around abs exercises. To be honest, the abs exercises are the LEAST important part of the book. The most important parts of the book are carrying out the nutritional program and compiling all of the training information into a full body training program to stimulate your metabolism and create the right hormonal environment in your body that removes body fat consistently.
Combining a fool-proof training and nutrition program such as this with the proper mindset and application of the "Secret", will give you a very powerful solution to the lean-body that you desire.

The solution is here - The Truth About Six Pack Abs
All that stands now between you and your goals is getting your mindset right, and taking action!
I hope this article has given you some things to think about. I urge you to have an open mind and allow yourself to attract what you want into your life.
Here's today's workout.
Aternate Barbell Press.
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 10 reps (10)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 9 reps (9)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 8 reps (8)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 7 reps (7)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 6 reps (6)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 5 reps (5)
47.5 kg (104.7 lb) x 1 rep (4)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 16 reps (16) *
35.0 kg (77.2 lb) x 10 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 12 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 10 reps (16)
"The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it - as long as you really believe 100%." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Next time - back.
The old mindset of the dumb, muscle bound hulk has always been a great untruth perpetuated for far too long by people who were sadly afraid to go where we go.
Bodybuilding is a "mind sport". You have to "huff and puff" with your mind before you can "huff and puff" with the weights! You have to see the results in your head long before you get to see those results in the mirror.
I have found a great article by Mike Geary, author of "The Truth About Six Pack Abs".
Mike expertly explains what I mean.
The Ultimate Secret of Mind Control and Motivation to Achieve the Exact Body Shape You Want
by Mike Geary - Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
I ask you to have an open mind and accept some ideas I'm going to throw at you today. If you can take full grasp of these ideas, take my word that this will be the most powerful secret you've ever discovered for attaining the exact body that you desire.
I'm basically going to take the concepts from the hit movie "The Secret" and show you how to apply it towards your fitness goals.
Keep in mind that this "ultimate secret" has nothing to do with our normal discussions of reps and sets. It has nothing to do with calories or fat or protein. It has nothing to do with cardio training or abs exercises. But once you discover the "Secret", you will be on your way to the body of your dreams, or any other goals that you have in your life, for that matter.
Elite athletes have practiced the "Secret". Champion bodybuilders have practiced the "Secret". Virtually all of the most influential, powerful, wealthiest, and happiest people throughout history have either knowingly or not, practiced the "Secret". Some didn't even realize that they knew the "Secret", but applying its power is the sole reason for their success. In today's discussion, I'm simply putting a little twist on this "Secret" and applying it to your fitness goals. But in reality, it works for any of your goals and desires in life.
Before I reveal the "Secret", I want to ask you a few questions today and I want you to answer the questions that are appropriate to your goals. I want you to be honest with yourself. If you discover that you have not accomplished your goals related to these questions, pay close attention, because I'm going to reveal to you how you can change this immediately and be on the path to achieving whatever it is that you want in life.
Do you currently have the body that you want?
Do you feel full of energy every single day?
Do you feel strong, confident, and proud of your body?
Do you feel that you have no physical limitation to be able to do whatever you want to do in life?
Do you want to be thinner?
Do you want more muscle?
Do you want sexy flat abs or a tighter butt?
The answers to these questions will be vastly different for everyone. Not everyone wants the same things. Not everyone has the same goals.
But the most important thing to realize, is that ANY of your goals can be achieved, no matter who you are, if you understand and APPLY the "Secret". Alright, enough of the build-up. What exactly is the "Secret"? Drum roll please.....
The "Secret" lies within your mind and revolves around the powerful Law of Attraction. What you focus on becomes your reality. To put this another way, "What you resist, persists. Whatever you are feeling and thinking is a perfect reflection of what you will become".
In other words, if all you ever focus on is how frustrated you are that you can never lose weight or get rid of that belly fat, then you are doomed to a flabby body forever, because you are actually creating that reality. On the other hand, if you focus on your successes with every ounce of your being, every single day, and continually feel in your mind what your dream body is going to be like, you will create that reality. The key point is that your thoughts and feelings must revolve around already having the body that you want. You must actually imagine daily that you are already living in your new body.
If you're closed-minded, at this point in reading this article, you will probably say something like, "what is all of this gobbly-gook crap this idiot is talking about". And then you will click away to another site, go back to your daily life, and continue to be frustrated by failing to achieve the body you want for the rest of your life.
On the other hand, if you're open minded, and truly want to succeed, you will continue to read, absorb, and start to apply the "Secret", and watch your body slowly become exactly what you want it to become.
I've discovered the "Secret" a couple years ago and how to apply this towards my other goals in life aside from fitness.
However, I also realized that the reason I've been successful with my fitness goals is that I've been unknowingly applying the "Secret" towards my fitness goals for many, many years now. I have always visualized exactly how I wanted my body to look, how energized I wanted to feel day in and day out, how strong and confident I wanted to feel. These visualizations led me on a constant mission to take massive daily ACTION towards exactly what I wanted.
So how do you get the exact body you want? Well, the first thing I want you to realize is that how you feel today and the body that you see in the mirror today is actually a combined result of how you have lived your life in the past... the habits, thoughts, and actions that you have taken throughout every single day that has preceded today. If your past has not given you the body you want today, the energy you want, the powerful feeling of health that you want, then you need to change your mindset and start taking immediate and massive action towards exactly what you want.
You need to visualize yourself living in that desired lean, strong body... feel the energy, vitality, and strength running through every inch of you. Imagine the confidence you feel. If you want it bad enough, you WILL achieve it, but it takes a BURNING DESIRE to succeed.
You need to keep running through this imagining process, and actually capture this "feeling" every single day, until the day comes that you realize that you have achieved your goals. If you practice this enough, you will attract into your life exactly what you want. Again, if all you focus on is your failures, and continue to think negatively, you will only attract more failures and negativity into your life.
Amazing things and amazing people have been coming into my life ever since I discovered the "Secret". If you have an open mind and focus your entire being on what you want, it WILL come into your life. It starts with the mindset, and your journey towards your goals continues from there with massive action taken on a daily basis toward your goals. Once you get this process right, you CAN'T fail.
I will leave you with one more powerful quote that has totally transformed the way I think about what I can achieve in life:
"Whether you THINK that you can or can't do something, either way, you are right".
Read that one again, and believe it! It is a powerful shift in mindset that will change your life.
I want you to do me a favor and read this entire article over again and really start thinking about how you can apply it towards your goals. They don't even have to be fitness goals. It can really be anything that you want to achieve.
Once you've got your mind in the right place, you are now ready to take massive action towards your goals starting now! Getting back to your fitness goals... If your goals revolve at all around losing body fat, tightening up your entire body, and creating an energy filled lifestyle, then a great place to get all of the information you need to achieve this and start taking action is in my Truth about Six Pack Abs book.
By the way, this book does not simply revolve around abs exercises. To be honest, the abs exercises are the LEAST important part of the book. The most important parts of the book are carrying out the nutritional program and compiling all of the training information into a full body training program to stimulate your metabolism and create the right hormonal environment in your body that removes body fat consistently.
Combining a fool-proof training and nutrition program such as this with the proper mindset and application of the "Secret", will give you a very powerful solution to the lean-body that you desire.

The solution is here - The Truth About Six Pack Abs
All that stands now between you and your goals is getting your mindset right, and taking action!
I hope this article has given you some things to think about. I urge you to have an open mind and allow yourself to attract what you want into your life.
Here's today's workout.
Aternate Barbell Press.
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 10 reps (10)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 9 reps (9)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 8 reps (8)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 7 reps (7)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 6 reps (6)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 5 reps (5)
47.5 kg (104.7 lb) x 1 rep (4)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 16 reps (16) *
35.0 kg (77.2 lb) x 10 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 12 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 10 reps (16)
"The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it - as long as you really believe 100%." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Next time - back.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Chest Workout 0006
It's a lovely summers day here in Oz. In fact it's the first day of our summer. The sun is out, it's warm and the wind is gently blowing. It is Monday and for the last four days I have been digging out and laying the foundation for a garden shed for a friend of ours. Pretty hard work but very satisfying when you look at what you have accomplished at the end of a day's work.
As I was panting and puffing shovelling dirt and then gravel I couldn't help but think how lucky was I to be getting paid to have a fabulous workout! Not long ago I read an article that was all about the amazing free workout that was right under the noses of most people. Have a guess what it is.
No idea? Don't be naughty - yes, that is great exercise - but not what I'm talking about here.
OK - it's the vacuuming!!!!! Don't believe me? Go to where you store your vacuum cleaner (what? - you've forgotten? Search around , it'll be there somewhere - you know it's the thingy you use to clean your car out with. Y-e-a-h - that's it!). Connect it all together, plug it in and go. Now really put some effort into it and see how quickly you start to breath heavily and I guarantee if your doin' it right you'll break out in a sweat. People take the negative attitude to it, but, us positive thinkers know how good the "vacuum gym" can really be.
Total cost to visit the "vacuum gym"? Zilch. And the floors got cleaned. Magic!
Think about this when you next have to mow your lawn, wash your car, tidy up your yard. Put some zest into your effort and begin to enjoy all these great free workouts that all have such wonderful side benefits.
I know what you may be thinking - won't it affect my weight training - I'll be all tired and sore and won't be able to lift as much.
Speaking from experience, I have never found it to make an ounce of difference to a workout.
Oh. yeah, the other side benefit - your "significant other" may just move you up to legend status - especially for the "vacuum gym" workout. So much so that you may just score that "other" workout. Now that can only be good!
Bench Press.
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 10 reps (10)
45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 9 reps (9)
50.0 kg (110.2 lb) x 8 reps (8)
55.0 kg (121.3 lb) x 7 reps (7)
60.0 kg (132.3 lb) x 6 reps (6)
65.0 kg (143.3 lb) x 4 reps (5)
70.0 kg (154.3 lb) x 1 rep (4)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 11 reps (16)
Leg Curls.
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 15 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 16 reps (20)
So, the next time someone says to you - "yeah, I know I need to do some excercise, but, I can't afford to go to a gym, and besides, I just don't have time" - take a casual look at their floor. Perhaps you have a good idea to offer them.
As I was panting and puffing shovelling dirt and then gravel I couldn't help but think how lucky was I to be getting paid to have a fabulous workout! Not long ago I read an article that was all about the amazing free workout that was right under the noses of most people. Have a guess what it is.
No idea? Don't be naughty - yes, that is great exercise - but not what I'm talking about here.
OK - it's the vacuuming!!!!! Don't believe me? Go to where you store your vacuum cleaner (what? - you've forgotten? Search around , it'll be there somewhere - you know it's the thingy you use to clean your car out with. Y-e-a-h - that's it!). Connect it all together, plug it in and go. Now really put some effort into it and see how quickly you start to breath heavily and I guarantee if your doin' it right you'll break out in a sweat. People take the negative attitude to it, but, us positive thinkers know how good the "vacuum gym" can really be.
Total cost to visit the "vacuum gym"? Zilch. And the floors got cleaned. Magic!
Think about this when you next have to mow your lawn, wash your car, tidy up your yard. Put some zest into your effort and begin to enjoy all these great free workouts that all have such wonderful side benefits.
I know what you may be thinking - won't it affect my weight training - I'll be all tired and sore and won't be able to lift as much.
Speaking from experience, I have never found it to make an ounce of difference to a workout.
Oh. yeah, the other side benefit - your "significant other" may just move you up to legend status - especially for the "vacuum gym" workout. So much so that you may just score that "other" workout. Now that can only be good!
Bench Press.
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 10 reps (10)
45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 9 reps (9)
50.0 kg (110.2 lb) x 8 reps (8)
55.0 kg (121.3 lb) x 7 reps (7)
60.0 kg (132.3 lb) x 6 reps (6)
65.0 kg (143.3 lb) x 4 reps (5)
70.0 kg (154.3 lb) x 1 rep (4)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 11 reps (16)
Leg Curls.
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 15 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 16 reps (20)
So, the next time someone says to you - "yeah, I know I need to do some excercise, but, I can't afford to go to a gym, and besides, I just don't have time" - take a casual look at their floor. Perhaps you have a good idea to offer them.
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