It's a lovely summers day here in Oz. In fact it's the first day of our summer. The sun is out, it's warm and the wind is gently blowing. It is Monday and for the last four days I have been digging out and laying the foundation for a garden shed for a friend of ours. Pretty hard work but very satisfying when you look at what you have accomplished at the end of a day's work.
As I was panting and puffing shovelling dirt and then gravel I couldn't help but think how lucky was I to be getting paid to have a fabulous workout! Not long ago I read an article that was all about the amazing free workout that was right under the noses of most people. Have a guess what it is.
No idea? Don't be naughty - yes, that is great exercise - but not what I'm talking about here.
OK - it's the vacuuming!!!!! Don't believe me? Go to where you store your vacuum cleaner (what? - you've forgotten? Search around , it'll be there somewhere - you know it's the thingy you use to clean your car out with. Y-e-a-h - that's it!). Connect it all together, plug it in and go. Now really put some effort into it and see how quickly you start to breath heavily and I guarantee if your doin' it right you'll break out in a sweat. People take the negative attitude to it, but, us positive thinkers know how good the "vacuum gym" can really be.
Total cost to visit the "vacuum gym"? Zilch. And the floors got cleaned. Magic!
Think about this when you next have to mow your lawn, wash your car, tidy up your yard. Put some zest into your effort and begin to enjoy all these great free workouts that all have such wonderful side benefits.
I know what you may be thinking - won't it affect my weight training - I'll be all tired and sore and won't be able to lift as much.
Speaking from experience, I have never found it to make an ounce of difference to a workout.
Oh. yeah, the other side benefit - your "significant other" may just move you up to legend status - especially for the "vacuum gym" workout. So much so that you may just score that "other" workout. Now that can only be good!
Bench Press.
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 10 reps (10)
45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 9 reps (9)
50.0 kg (110.2 lb) x 8 reps (8)
55.0 kg (121.3 lb) x 7 reps (7)
60.0 kg (132.3 lb) x 6 reps (6)
65.0 kg (143.3 lb) x 4 reps (5)
70.0 kg (154.3 lb) x 1 rep (4)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 11 reps (16)
Leg Curls.
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 15 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 16 reps (20)
So, the next time someone says to you - "yeah, I know I need to do some excercise, but, I can't afford to go to a gym, and besides, I just don't have time" - take a casual look at their floor. Perhaps you have a good idea to offer them.
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