Monday, March 30, 2009

How to avoid injuries in bodybuilding - part 2 - Use the correct weight for you

When I used to train at a gym I was always amazed at the weights some quite obviously untrained individuals would attempt to lift. It was as if their greatest desire in life was to injure themselves.

You've seen the types haven't you. The geek with arms the thickness of matchsticks strides confidently over to the weight rack and selects the 80 lb barbell. You can smell the testosterone. He's going to do a biceps curl.

He bends his back till it looks like it might just snap, and still he's only half way up. After all, he knows that to get those big guns he wants he has to lift heavy weights, right?

Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!!

Always warm up first. See part one.

Then the general rule for safe training for newbies is to select a weight that they can comfortably do eight to twelve reps with in strict form - no cheating.

To avoid injuries, ALWAYS use weights that are right for your level of training. For newbies, after your warm-up set, on the next set the first three or four reps should be very comfortable to perform. If that requires a 20 lb barbell curl, then so be it. People will admire you for having a go. It's better than people laughing at you for looking really silly.

And this way you get to train another day.

Triceps Workout.

Adjustable bar triceps extension.

17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 18 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 13 reps (15)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 12 reps (12) *
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 10 reps (10) *
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 6 reps (8)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 5 reps (6)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 2 reps (4)
17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 9 reps (15)

Triceps kickback.

12.5 kg (27.6 lb) x 15 reps (20)

Next time - biceps.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to avoid injuries in bodybuilding - part 1 - warming up.

Avoiding injuries in your workouts should be your highest priority. You get just one body to use for your entire life's journey. Always treat your body with the respect it deserves. When you make a habit of doing so, your body will return the favour.

The importance of warming up your muscles and joints thoroughly before attempting any heavy lifting can never be over-emphasised. Some light stretching movements or gentle cardio to start is always a wise idea.

Then progress with very low weights and high reps(15 to 20) for your first set. As you age (40+) the use of 2 to 3 warm-up sets is a very good way to go. As you should always do, concentrate on very good form in these warm-up sets.

A good way to go, as I do, is the use of descending reps for your first exercise. Remember, nothing will stop you getting that body you have always wanted faster than getting an injury will.

Always warm-up thoroughly first.

Back workout.

T Bar Row.
47.5 kg (104.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
57.5 kg (126.8 lb) x 14 reps (15)
60.0 kg (132.3 lb) x 10 reps (12)
65.0 kg (143.3 lb) x 9 reps (10)
72.5 kg (159.8 lb) x 7 reps (8)
77.5 kg (170.9 lb) x 6 reps (6) *
Wide Grip Chins.
Freehand x 1 rep (max)
Straight Leg Deadlift.
35.0 kg (77.2 lb) x 10 reps (10) *
T Bar Row.
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 17 reps (20)

Next time - Part 2 and triceps.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My workout is my personal time.

What I mean by "my workout is my personal time" is that I treat my workout as a special time - just for me.

Not only is it time to have a workout, it is also a time when I can shut out the world. It's for me, and me only. I allow no interruptions. I focus, I dream, I chill out, I enjoy, I plan.

I plan what days and times I will have my workouts a week ahead. I deliberately set out to make them a special time - a time of real and great value to me. It really has to be something extra-ordinary for me to re-schedule.

Plain and simple - that's the way you make progress, not only in bodybuilding, but in most endeavours in life.

Don't fall into the mistake, like so many do, of allowing your life to happen to you by accident.

Take back control - empower your life.

The results will speak for themselves!

Shoulder workout.

Alternate overhead press.

20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 15 reps (15) *
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 11 reps (12)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 9 reps (10)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 7 reps (8)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 2 reps (6)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 1 rep (4)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 15 reps (20)

Barbell Shrugs.

42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 12 reps (12)
45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 10 reps (9)

Next time: Back.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Free e-course on bodybuilding mistakes

Great News!

I have a freebie for you.

A free gift worth $19.95 - absolutely FREE!

"Avoid The Top 5 Bonehead Bodybuilding Mistakes That Nearly ALL Lifters Make!"

Learn how to avoid 5 of the most deadly bodybuilding pitfalls that virtually ALL beginners fall victim to........

This is a no obligation 5 part e-course written by champion bodybuilder Sean Nalewanyj

Go grab it now! Click the image above or here to go to the sign-up page. The free offer is on the left of the page.

Enjoy and learn for free!

Chest workout.

Bench Press.

27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 18 reps (20)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 13 reps (15)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 7 reps (12)
45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 5 reps (10)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 6 reps (8)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 6 reps (6) *
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 4 reps (4) *
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 13 reps (20)

Next time: Shoulders.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Do you have what it takes to be a great bodybuilder?

Another way of asking that question is:

Do you have what it takes to be a success at anything in life?

Because we both know, deep down, that the answer is the same. The question could also be:

Do you have what it takes to be a great fly fisherman? or great cook? or great artist?

So let's re-phrase the question:

Do you possess the qualities required for success? Let's find out what they are. I did some research and found the following qualities that are required for success in most endeavours.

Goal setting.
Ambition and drive.
Unstoppable determination.
Disciplined work ethic.
High standards.
Self confidence.
Action orientation.
The right attitude.
A creative mind.
Time management skills.
Willingness to share knowledge and skills.
Common sense.
A willingness to practice the basics.
The ability to listen.
Kind self-criticism.
A desire for continuous learning.
Record keeping.

You will notice that genetic make-up, inborn ability, luck, money, race, domicile, who your friends are, present abilities, sex, lack of knowledge, gym membership, age, clothes label, the school you attended, how much education you had, the car you drive, are not listed.

All you need to be great at bodybuilding (or anything else you desire) can be found within the six inches between your ears! If you think it's not there - if you really, really desire something with ALL your heart, no holding back, you WILL find that, one by one, the success qualities you need will all appear, as if by magic - just at the point that you require them.

You do indeed have what it takes! You CAN do it!

Leg workout.


30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 11 reps (20)

Leg Extensions.

42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 20 reps (20) *

Leg curls.

27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 13 reps (20)
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 15 reps (20)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 13 reps (20)


5.0 lb (11.02 lb) x 22 reps (30)

Next time: Chest.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Healthy snack foods - the last word.

I guess what I have really been trying to demonstrate in this series of articles, as much as give you some good ideas for healthy snack foods, is that it can be just as easy and most times far more economical, to eat healthy snacks as to eat junk.

If you are really looking for progress in your bodybuilding, and I hope you are, take the time to research ALL the foods that you consume. With just a little research, lots of items will get dropped from your shopping list. And just as equally, many new items will get added to take their place.

New flavors, new recipes, new ideas, wow! that can make life exciting. Be adventurous in your hunt for new food ideas. Check out some of the magazines at your local newsagents to help. Be prepared to experiment. It will be well worth the effort, and, best of all, it will really reap big dividends in your progress - and your enjoyment of that progress!

Eating healthy can be a joy, not a chore. It's all up to you.

Biceps workout.

Adjustable bar curls.

20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 15 reps (20)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 15 reps (15) *
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 12 reps (12) *
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 10 reps (10) *
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 8 reps (8) *
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 3 reps (6)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 2 reps (4)
15.0 kg (33.1 lb) x 20 reps (20) *

Cambered Bar Curls.

16.6 kg (36.6 lb) x 9 reps (12)

Next time: Chest.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Healthy snack foods - protein/meal replacement shakes.

Protein and/or meal replacement shakes only just scrape in to this category of healthy snack foods. The reason - because they are better than nothing and always far superior to junk foods like candy bars! I believe it is always in your best interest to get your nutrition as naturally as humanly possible.

But let's face facts, sometimes time and convenience are a problem. In most countries now it is law for the nutritional make-up of a product to be clearly displayed on the label.

So there you are - take the time to read the labels and definitely compare the nutritional contents product to product. It's simple - buy the product with the greatest nutritional content per unit of measurement.

Another point to consider is digestibility. If you are like me, and lactose intolerant, you may find yourself doing a great deal more label reading. I use whey protein isolate protein shakes as the method of producing these powders also gets rid of just about, if not all, the lactose. I also mix them with lactose free milk. It works OK for me, but, if you are lactose intolerant too, I suggest experimenting with different brands to see what works best for you. Most of these powders can also be mixed with water.

Today's workout:


Adjustable Bar Triceps Extension.

17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 16 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 12 reps (15)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 10 reps (12)
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 7 reps (10)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 5 reps (8)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 4 reps (6)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 1 rep (4)
15.0 kg (33.1 lb) x 15 reps (15) *

Triceps kickback.

10.0 kg (22.0 lb) x 20 reps (20) *

Next time: biceps.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Healthy snack foods - meat patties.

Meat patties are a great little snack. Just make up a kilogram of Pattie mix, cook and store (fridge or freezer).

Any type of meat is fine - beef, chicken, turkey, lamb or fish. Just make sure that whichever meat you use, it is low fat, premium and, if possible, organic.

The basic recipe is the same for all the above:

I kilo of the desired meat.
3 or 4 garlic cloves.
1 medium onion.
2 eggs.
freshly chopped parsley.
seasoning of choice.

Chop the onion and garlic cloves and gently brown in a little olive oil in a large fry pan. Place the cooked onion and garlic on some absorbent paper and allow to cool. In a large mixing bowl add the meat, cooled onion and garlic, parsley, your desired seasoning, and the two whole (the whites and the yolks) eggs. Mix very thoroughly with your hands. When fully mixed form into 100 gram patties, place into the fry pan and gently cook till they are "how you like it".

Allow to cool then refrigerate what you want soon and freeze the rest - hint - for freezing, wrap each one separately in cling wrap - this allows you to take them out one at a time for snacks.

That's it. How easy is that!

For some approximate nutritional info. go here:

Today's workout:


T Bar Row.

45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 20 reps (20) *
57.5 kg (126.8 lb) x 13 reps (15)
60.0 kg (132,3 lb) x 9 reps (12)
65.0 kg (143.3 lb) x 8 reps (10)
72.5 kg (159.8 lb) x 6 reps (8)
77.5 kg (170.9 lb) x 5 reps (6)
80.0 kg (176.4 lb) x 4 reps (4) *

Wide Grip Chins.

Body weight x 1 rep.

T Bar Row.

40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 16 reps (20)

Next time: Triceps.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Healthy snack foods - fruit.

Fruit is our next healthy snack food. Not only is fruit a healthy snack food, it is also inexpensive, convenient to eat and store as well as being one of the most "natural" foods available. Consider this - fruit grows on plants with the express purpose of attracting animals (plus humans) to eat it so as to spread the plants seeds and thereby ensuring the survival of the plant type. Brilliant.

Eating fruit between meals as a snack is a great way to increase your fruit intake. It is recommended by nutrition experts that we eat at least five portions of fruit and/or vegetables a day as part of a balanced diet.

Consuming fruit, whether fresh, dried, frozen or canned, as part of your daily diet will make you feel great, look good, and help you to be more active and healthy. Fruit can help proof you against such diseases as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancer.

Nearly all fruits are low in fat, sodium, and none have cholesterol.

Fruit is chock full of antioxidants and fibre as well as vitamins and minerals. The antioxidants will help in the fight against free radicals and the fibre will help maintain a very healthy digestive system.

For a great rundown of the nutritional value of all the different fruit types, just go here:

Today's workout:

Shoulders workout.

Alternate Barbell Overhead Press.

20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 16 reps (20)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 13 reps (15)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 12 reps (12) *
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 8 reps (10)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 6 reps (8)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 1 rep (6)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 1 rep (4)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 13 reps (15)
15.0 kg (33.1 lb) x 14 reps (30)

Barbell Shrugs.

40.o kg (88.2 lb) x 12 reps (12) *

Next time - back.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Healthy snack foods - cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is protein rich, high in calcium, a good source of several minerals, while being low in fat and carbohydrates.

While being popular among dieters, low fat cottage cheese is much loved by bodybuilders due the high content of protein (mainly casein) and low fat. Casein protein is a very slow digesting protein with an excellent amino acid profile. The protein found in cheese is very high quality because it contains all the essential amino acids in the optimum percentages to the body's needs.

For the full nutritional breakdown of low fat cottage cheese click here:

As cottage cheese is produced without ageing, therefore greatly reducing the cost of manufacture, it is a very affordable protein source. It can be used to replace other ingredients in many dishes to upscale the nutritional profile of that dish. Use it as a low cost replacement for grated cheese or as a healthy replacement for bachamel sauce or high fat cream cheeses.

As a snack, low fat cottage cheese is extremely versatile. It can be eaten straight, but do your taste buds a favor, have it on wholemeal toast. My favourite is on wholemeal toast with some yeast extract spread ("Vegemite" or "Promite" brand). Try it with fruit, with tomatoes, tuna, or in a small salad. It is also great on rye/wholemeal crispbreads with a little pepper.

All right, time for today's workout. I have a niggling pain in my left upper arm which is affecting my ability to go "all out" so the weights are a bit down this time - but hey - I got it done!

Chest workout.

Bench Press.

27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 16 reps (20)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 16 reps (15) *
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 12 reps (12) *
45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 4 reps (10)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 8 reps (8) *
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 6 reps (6) *
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 4 reps (4) *
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 12 reps (15)
22,5 kg (49.6 lb) x 8 reps (30)

Next time - shoulders.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Healthy snack foods - Tuna

In the last couple of posts we dealt with almonds and almond butter as healthy snacks. Don't forget that all nuts can be considered healthy snacks - even the humble peanut (actually one of the best).

And of course just use the almond butter recipe to make your own peanut butter. Just remember to purchase the unsalted variety!

The next healthy snack food is a simple can of tuna. How easy does it get! And what sensational value both financially and nutritionally.

I am unsure of the packaging in other countries, but in Australia we can purchase from supermarkets 85gm cans and also sliced tuna in about 115gm cans. Both are a great size for a snack.

Just eat straight from the can or spread on wholemeal crispbread. Many of the flavoured varieties now available make for some flavoursome choices.

Tuna is an excellant food choice for bodybuilders because of it's high protein content as well as giving us a dose of the good fats (tuna is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids). Yes, you got it - good for not only the muscles, but also the heart and brain!

Just a little warning here: Read the labels carefully, especially with some of the flavoured ones as the actual tuna content can be as low as 50% or sometimes even less - don't be ripped off! - choose carefully. Also always drain the oil as much as possible, and make sure that the oil is olive oil and NOT a "vegetable oil" ( high in omega-6).

For the full nutritional breakdown of tuna just go here:

OK, today's workout:



30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 16 reps (20)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 15 reps (20)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 10 reps (20)

Leg Extensions.

42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 14 reps (20)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 16 reps (20)
37,5 kg (82.7 lb) x 16 reps (20)

Leg curls.

27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 12 reps (20)
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 14 reps (20)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 12 reps (20)


5.0 kg (11.0 lb) x 21 reps (30)

Next time: chest workout.