Monday, February 9, 2009

Healthy snack foods - intro part 2

With any form of eating it is important to develop a healthy MENTAL attitude to the food being consumed. This includes not only the consumption of snack food, but also, your main meals as well.

What do I mean?

Without getting too "new age" about it, here are some points to consider when about to, as well as while, eating:

- When eating, consider doing so in a spirit of thankfulness (gratitude).

- Chew all your food VERY thoroughly. This is one time when using your mouth a lot won't get you into trouble. Chewing food fully before swallowing:
- allows for the saliva to do it's job,
- allows for much easier digestion in the stomach and intestines,
- helps with the complete release of all nutrients within the food.
- allows sufficient time for the stomach to signal the brain that it is full.

- NEVER eat when in a hurry, when angry, in crowded and noisy areas, when in an argument or under similar pressure.

- ALWAYS eat slowly - take pleasure in eating - it is indeed one of life's greatest pleasures.

- Think about the food you are eating as you eat it - how good it is for you, how full of nutrients it is, what wonderful taste it has, the great smell and texture. Be in the moment.

- If eating with others, try not to talk as you eat -it can lead to you swallowing air - which leads to bloating and.....Phew!! who did that?

- Try not to drink too much liquid as you eat - it can dilute all your digestive juices as well as make you feel overfull.

- Never, ever, ever overeat - it looks bad (gluttony), it is bad, it shows disrespect to yourself, to others AND the food, and it costs a lot of money - always choose quality over quantity.

Workouts - 2 to report here - I didn't get time to post my Saturday workout; so here it is first:

Chest Workout.

Bench Press.

42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 10 reps (10)
47.5 kg (104.7 lb) x 9 reps (9)
52.5 kg (115.7 kg) x 8 reps (8)
57.5 kg (126.8 lb) x 7 reps (7)
62.5 kg (137.8 lb) x 5 reps (6)
67.5 kg (148.8 lb) x 3 reps (5)
72.5 kg (159.8 lb) x 2 reps (4)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 12 reps (16)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 16 reps (30)

And here's today's workout:

Shoulder's workout:

Alternate Barbell Press.

20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 10 reps (10)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 9 reps (9)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 8 reps (8)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 5 reps (7)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 1 rep (6)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 7 reps (16)
20.0 kg (44.1 lb) x 11 reps (30)

Note: a really unsatisfying shoulder workout - I'll change it for next time. My performance has been dropping on this routine - so next time: a new shoulder workout.

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