Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to avoid injuries in bodybuilding - part 4 - get sufficient rest.

In Australia we have a great phrase for working beyond what is normal and sufficient. It goes like this: "It's like trying to flog a dead horse". It can also be called "The Law of Diminishing Returns".

It's a point where any further activity will only produce less and less gains the longer the activity is still engaged in.

Unless, of course, you take a break and get sufficient rest.

I would not be too far wrong if I suggested that most keen bodybuilders train far too long and hard. Actually, by backing off a notch or two, their gains would be far more and their injuries far less.

It is a normal human trait to want to see quick gains and fast progress, not only in bodybuilding, but in most areas of our lives. I would like you to consider the term "more is less". There is a point in anyone's training, that to go beyond it, to do more, will only invoke The Law of Diminishing Returns where your progress declines rapidly.

You can push yourself to the point of injury - and therefore nil, or reverse, progress. Plain and simple, it's called overtraining, and can lead to taxed and painful joints, weakened immune system, fatigue and reduced or nil muscular growth. I'm sure it has caused many aspirants to throw in the towel and to give away promising futures.

Muscles only grow during rest. Your recovery time is just as important as your workouts and you should therefore give it similar attention. It is just as important.

To remain injury free in bodybuilding, always combine your workout schedule with sufficient rest, sleep, and excellent nutrition to reap the greatest gains possible for you.

Chest and back workout.

Bench Press.

25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 8 reps (12)
40.0 kg (88.2 lb) x 4 reps (9)
42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 2 reps (6)

T Bar Row.

45.0 kg (99.2 lb) x 15 reps (20)
57.5 kg (126.8 lb) x 5 reps (12)
62.5 kg (137.8 lb) x 3 reps (9)
70.0 kg (154.3 lb) x 2 reps (6)

Next time: biceps and triceps.

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