Saturday, May 2, 2009

How do Astronauts workout in space?

They reach for a Red!

Sounds at first glance the type of workout we have here at home on a Friday night. A couple of reds, nibbles and a nice dinner, followed by a movie.

Well...........not really.

"aRed" is a new workout machine, sort of like a multipurpose single station gym available through retail stores, but built for confined spaces. It has , because of zero gravity, to be able to handle very heavy weights - although it appears pistons instead of weights are used.

Check it out here:

"High-Tech Weights for Space Workout"

I like the size! If it ever became commercially available it would be ideal for small homes and units where living space is a real issue.

Arm workout:

Adjustable bar biceps curl.

22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 16 reps (20)
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 11 reps (12)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 6 reps (9)
35.0 kg (77.2 lb) x 4 reps (6)

Adjustable bar triceps extension.

17.5 kg (38.6 lb) x 20 reps (20) *
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 9 reps (12)
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 7 reps (9)
27.5 kg (60.6lb) x 4 reps (6)

Next time - shoulders and back.

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