Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Do you have what it takes to be a great bodybuilder?

Another way of asking that question is:

Do you have what it takes to be a success at anything in life?

Because we both know, deep down, that the answer is the same. The question could also be:

Do you have what it takes to be a great fly fisherman? or great cook? or great artist?

So let's re-phrase the question:

Do you possess the qualities required for success? Let's find out what they are. I did some research and found the following qualities that are required for success in most endeavours.

Goal setting.
Ambition and drive.
Unstoppable determination.
Disciplined work ethic.
High standards.
Self confidence.
Action orientation.
The right attitude.
A creative mind.
Time management skills.
Willingness to share knowledge and skills.
Common sense.
A willingness to practice the basics.
The ability to listen.
Kind self-criticism.
A desire for continuous learning.
Record keeping.

You will notice that genetic make-up, inborn ability, luck, money, race, domicile, who your friends are, present abilities, sex, lack of knowledge, gym membership, age, clothes label, the school you attended, how much education you had, the car you drive, are not listed.

All you need to be great at bodybuilding (or anything else you desire) can be found within the six inches between your ears! If you think it's not there - if you really, really desire something with ALL your heart, no holding back, you WILL find that, one by one, the success qualities you need will all appear, as if by magic - just at the point that you require them.

You do indeed have what it takes! You CAN do it!

Leg workout.


30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 17 reps (20)
30.0 kg (66.1 lb) x 11 reps (20)

Leg Extensions.

42.5 kg (93.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 17 reps (20)
37.5 kg (82.7 lb) x 20 reps (20) *

Leg curls.

27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 13 reps (20)
25.0 kg (55.1 lb) x 15 reps (20)
22.5 kg (49.6 lb) x 13 reps (20)


5.0 lb (11.02 lb) x 22 reps (30)

Next time: Chest.

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