Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back workout 0005

I can't emphasize enough the importance of positive self-talk. It is the greatest tool for motivation, and not only in your workouts, but in most aspects of your life. Instaed of saying to yourself "I'm so unmotivated and tired today. I could really skip a day and workout tomorrow."

Before you know it you've actually talked yourself out of something that once started you would really enjoy and benefit from. Even though you may in fact be tired why not say to yourself something along the lines of "I'm feeling a little tired but I know for a fact that once I start my workout it will make me feel really alive. Every workout is a stepping stone to having the body I've always wanted. I can do this. I've got what it takes."

T Bar Row.

50.0 kg (110.2 lb) x 10 reps (10)
55.0 kg (121.3 lb) x 9 reps (9)
60.0 kg (132.3 lb) x 8 reps (8)
65.0 kg (143.3 lb) x 7 reps (7)
70.0 kg (154.3 lb) x 6 reps (6) *
75.0 kg (165.3 lb) x 3 reps (5)
80.0 kg (176.4 lb) x 2 reps (4)
50.0 kg (110.2 lb) x 12 reps (16)


32.5 kg (71.7 lb) x 8 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 7 reps (16)
27.5 kg (60.6 lb) x 6 reps (16)

"The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large." - Confucius

"The inner speech, your thoughts, can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak." - Ralph Charell

"I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people." - Savielly Tartakower

Next time - triceps.

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